Interview with the oh-so-awesome Thane. No, Don't call it that... I mean, you could call it that then just say later "Titled by Thane herself"
Ok, so I'm sure you've never EVER heard me talk about Thane Attor. My beautiful, kind, funny, sarcastic, and totally amazing friend. No never. Never mentioned her. So let me tell you all a bit about her. Thane and I have known each other for nine years now, we met through a mutual friend who moved in next-door to me ten years ago. And we've been friends ever since. Now you have to understand, Thane and I are very similar. We're thick-headed, obstinate, kind, quirky, and somewhat sarcastic. And because of that we butt heads... A lot. But we've learned to actually talk through our differences. So here we are, talking.
Thane and I are part of a writing group called the Young Writer Community, and in that group there has been some questions circling that we decided to ask each other, and to share with you. If you want to find my corresponding interview you can find it at Thane's website:
We as authors, really want to get to know you as readers. So please, if you have any other questions you'd like to ask us comment below.
So Thane, here we go!
What is your favorite place to write?
I have to sit in this specific seat at the kitchen table. It's mom's chair, but I have to sit in it to write. She hates it because my computer and charger are always there.
What's your favorite part of writing?
I like getting to do things that I won't ever be able to do in real life. And I like being able to become people that you can never be. They may not be better then you but they're still a different person and you get that chance to see what life would be like in a different world. Like would it actually be better?
Least favorite part of writing?
You got this image in your head, and these words on the paper. And they just..they just don't fit! And you try to make it work. And you just have to live with the fact that its not going to be the same.
Do you have any writing habits or rituals?
Like I said, sitting in that specific seat. And also.... I normally try to get tea. I love my tea. It has to be black tea, and I have to open all my writing notes so there will be like.. two other documents that I'll have to open. And then, I have to sit and have to decide which document to write on because sometimes I want to write on one, but like, this other one is calling me.
What books or authors that influenced your writing style the most?
don't think any authors really influenced me that much. Everyone always talks about this author that influenced them but...Um. You actually probably influenced me the most weirdly enough.
Really? Me?
Yes. Really. You. Cause you're the person I learned how to write with. And..I don't know! I have favorite authors and favorite books and I'd like to say that they influenced me cause i'd like to say that I write like a certain author; but I honestly don't think they did really cause I don't analyze their writing styles.
Favorite character you've ever created?
I really want to go and say Alex, because its like how you created Katara based on yourself. Alex was based on me. But in a lot of way I really like Zalo to because he is based on me to, especially when he was younger. Because Alex was the brave one and she stood up for him. And that's how I thought of myself in my head. That's who I wanted to be. But I also realized that what comes with that is a lot of darkness and a lot of hurt. And Zalo was blind and he was fearful and thats how I actually was.
Your favorite author?
Shoot.... All my favorite books from all my favorite authors are siting there in front of me and I have to pick one! It's not like picking your favorite child, its worse. Much worse... Shoot. AHhhh Cause it's Harry potter and its JK Rowling but like is it really? Or do I just want to be that person that's like "Oh yeah Harry Potter's my favorite". I want to say Rick Riordian just because Percy Jackson has has such a huge impact on my life, and because there are so many books and I've read so many of them. But then there's Leigh Bardugo and Marisa Meyer! Oh Marie Lou though! I love Marie Lou!
Lets say Rick Riordian and the Percy jackson series because that's defiantly what impacted me the most. So lets say that that's my favorite.
Favorite Trope to write?
I don't think in terms of tropes so this is hard. Umm... I don't know if this is just my favorite trope to read or what but I love it when theres these two characters and their friends, sometimes best friends but it doesn't really matter. And one of them gets transformed into this hideous monster by the villain. Like Eustace in Narnia... Hehehehe. And they have to like, either the best friend isn't there or something so they have to approach their friend and be like "hey its actually me. Don't shoot!' Like movie Eustace was so smart he just swooped Edmund up so they didn't have time to shoot, or stab, or slashy slashy. But its just a really genuine moment between the characters.
Pick a writer to co-write a book with, and what would you write about?
Vira. *Giggles* Don't add that. Don't add the giggles. Now you're going to add that. It's like the mirror that goes round and round. I should shut up now. I'm going to go get tea while you write that down...
*Thane comes back* What was the question?
Pick a writer to co-write a book with, and what would you write about?
Well we're kinda doing that already and like, we've talked about doing other series together cause I love you so much.
*Both burst out laughing*
What's the most research you've ever put into a book?
I've never written a book so I have to think about all the different story ideas I've researched. All the research I do is just about writing in general. Not about writing the story. So probably the most I've done is for Dream Chaser. Uh, because lucid dreaming is one of the main things and dreaming in general. So learning the different theories on dreaming and dreams is important to it.
On average, how much writing do you get done in a day?
Since I'm writing stories in class this term I haven't written much on my work in progress or my short stories. But when I do write I write 1,000 to 1,500 words.
Single or multiple POV, and why?
I think I've proven that I mostly do multi-POV. Like in the Sordian Chronicles
I still hate that name
*Thane chuckles*
And if I'm doing anything else I do single POV, except occasionally.
Poetry or prose, and why?
Both. I'm not great at either but I'm alright at both.
Linear or non-linear, and why?
You write linearly
Normally, but I like non-linear also. It's good, it's cool. Try new things.
Standalone or series and why?
I honestly... When I- When I.. When I come up with a new story Idea I try to make it standalone. Because It's sometimes nice to just have one book you know? Especially because I'm working on our great big series. But they all turn out to be series anyways.
Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it's all polished, and who do you send it to?
HeheheheheHEHEHE. Yes. On our Book talk/Fandom fever chain with Vira, Fiona, and I myself.
Who do you write for?
I've answered this question so many times and I feel like I give a different answer every time. God, me, and I probably wrote for you too just because I hafta.
Favorite line you've ever written?
Gosh darn it.
*scrolls through notes*
Well, Since I can't find a good answer I'll just use a line from my second short story for my writing class.
"Let me tell you a tale."
Makes me feel like a story teller.
Hardest character to write?
t's hard because my mind immediately go to the Sordian chronicles but I realize I have other books and other characters. I'd have to say Katara because I do have to writer her... She is the hardest character I have ever had to write. But also Trinity man, Trinity is hard.
Easiest character to write?
Alex. But thats just because I've done it for soon long. Zalo's pretty easy too though, just harder because he's a guy.
Do you listen to music when you're writing?
At one point I would listen to just my regular playlist, but then I would get too caught up in the lyrics and not actually write. And then i started listening to soundtracks and that world really well. Either LOTR, the hobbit, or How to Train Your Dragon soundtracks. Which is the best.
Handwritten notes or typed notes?
Both. If I'm having a bit of writer's block I write everything down on paper, but if I actually want to feel professional I'll write on a computer.
Most inspirational writing quote you've ever read or heard that's still important to you?
"Write hard and clear about what hurts." Ernest Hemingway... I think. There's another one on my ceiling but I'd have to lay down next you to read it.
(We are sitting on her bed which is under a ceiling of quotes)
Do you base your characters or real people or not?
Totally. Almost all. probably 50% percent of them are based off you, and the other 50% is off me. No joke.
How many stories do you work on at one time?
Ugh, I try to keep it at one main and one side project but that doesn't always work.
Are you an avid reader?
Yes. and I always feel bad telling people that because I've been in a horrible reading slump.
What would your story ____ look like as a TV show or movie?
Now I have to pick one... *Whimpers* Gosh darn it. Lets just say Eminence of Time. Probably what you said in my interview with you. Which to find out the answer you'll have to read my post!!!
Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story?
I probably start with characters. But most of my stories come about based off a vague character idea and a more vague plot idea.
Favorite genre to write in?
Fantasy. 1,000,000% all the way.
What do you find the hardest to to write in a story, the beginning, middle, or end?
I've never had to really write middles and ends. Just the beginnings. So I'd probably say middles.
Describe the aesthetic of your story ____ in 5 sentences or words.
The Eminence of Time is about the hopeless and the broken, but also about the friendships and proving that there is hope and joy. And even when they just lose a battle or get in a fight, that its ok to stop and watch the sunrise.
What does writing mean to you?
I wish I could just dig up one of those conversations that we have with Fiona where we write pages and pages about this. It's about getting to tell stories about so many different people and though they may not be real, its still important to someone even if its just me or that one reader. Their stories deserve to be told.
How did writing change you?
Did it change me? How did writing change me Vira?
Uh... I think you've gotten a lot more in tune with your emotions and are able to really tap into your creative mindset in an entirely different way then before. You're able to control your temper better and I think that all around it's helped you to see a different side of yourself.
Sure.. lets go with that.
What themes are especially important to you to write/talk about in your stories?
Friendship. I don't have a main character that doesn't have a best friend. Just because you love someone doesn't mean thats the most important thing to you in life, you can have other goals an motivations that don't involve your love interest. Sometimes you lose who you are but you can always come back to it, or you can create an entirely new person and that's ok too. *said very cutely* And that not all victories are about saving the universe.
Why is this story ____ first?
It may not be. But lets pretend it is. Eminence of Time is first because I have to tell it. There is no way I can't. These characters and this world have been there throughout a majority of my life and there's just no way I couldn't.
If you had to become one of your characters in ____ which character and why?
I want to say Alex... But then Zalo. I love Zalo so much. Zalo is so awesome. I'd say Zalo because *spoilers*
If you could pick which class of Lucid you got to be, which one and why?
*Mutters spoilers under breath as she panics* I want to say Time but they actually aren't that cool. JOKER! They're such an underrated class and my first character was a joker.
What time would you want to live in Sordia?
The Golden age, or Discovery. AKA. you better read the books.
If Alex met you would she hate you or would you be friends?
Even if there wasn't an age gap she'd probably still hate me. She'd probably think I'm young, dumb, ignorant, untrained, and stupid. That was repetitive but yes. And I'd be like "Yes! this is the best thing ever! I'm the person who made your life suck!"
I can't tell you guys how fun it was to be able to interview Thane. We as authors want to be able to connect with you and love to hear your feedback! If you have anymore questions for us please comment or email us.
You can find the companion post with my interview on Thane's blog.